September 30, 2007

Just being Silly

So here is our Sadie just hanging out and being her silly self. What a monkey!

She crawls!

Well, she finally figured out the old knee-leg crawl the other day. Now she no longer looks like a wounded soldier or a thirsty desert-stranded person. She looks like a baby crawling, which is what she is. And it only took us moving the last vestige of our adult house off to the side. The baby officially owns us.

The day we moved the table she crawled. It's like she'd been waiting. The hardwood floors were too slippery. And now that she figured it out on the rug the wood is easy-peasy too.

So far a chair is gone and now the coffee table. So our rug is now a giant play rug. Which is turning out to be fun for everyone. I think we should all have playmats, they remind us to get down on the floor and hang out- view the world from a different place than from our butt on the couch.

But, anyway, here's her first real crawl!

September 20, 2007

This is what happens when you won't take a nap!

So as most of you know I have a child who doesn't like to nap, doesn't like to sleep, and wakes up every 45 minutes. Yesterday she was exhausted but would not take her afternonn 40 minute nap- It's not like I ask for a lot!
So at 6:45 while eating dinner this is what happened:

It's been a while!

Sorry about the delay in posting. However, since I have just seen most of you I know I will be forgiven! We had fun in NY. Here are a few pics of Sadie with her cousins: