We had a good time and stayed in a hotel with a pool and hot tub. Sadie enjoyed all the sights but I think her favorite part of the trip was running from Dada in the pool to me in the hot tub and jumping in. Since I am a total baby about cold water I didn't go any deeper in the pool than about knee height.
Then I got in the hot tub and stayed there.
It's amazing how kids don't feel cold they way we do as adults. Sadie could just jump into the cold (heated) pool and then straight into the hot tub, then back again. Yikes.
We also went down into a cave. It is a giant tube of lava rock about 1 mile long or so. It was cool, and cold, and dark.
Sadie vacillated between enjoying herself and saying All done. She seemed to feel much better when we could see other people. She would say People come! Light! People! But she walked a bit on her own holding our hands and we had a good time until we were too chilly, and Sadie was All done-ing to beat the band.
Wow. There are a lot of chipmunks in Bend and Sisters. Or they might be a squirrel that looks just like a chipmunk, we never quite figured that out. Anyway, they are fearless and Sadie loved them to bits.

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