March 28, 2011

Dia de San Patricio

Once again we attempted to capture that leprechaun.

Sadie built a trap with the help of Grammy that was sure to entice the leprechaun to go on a ride down a slide. Unfortunately for him, once inside he would be unable to leave. It seemed perfect.

We even saw a rainbow the day before St. Patrick's Day, which we assumed was the leprechaun heading down. And when I said that, Sadie got just a tad freaked out.
I think Mama forgot that the idea of sneaky red-headed, green-clad men sneaking into your house can be a little weird when you really believe in it.

And, Silas, well, Silas had no idea what was going on.

But what we didn't count on is that leprechauns seem to have sticky feet and he left green footprints up the side of our trap and disappeared.
He did leave a some treats for the kids with a note that said Nice try!
But that stinker took our coins.
Next year, leprechaun. Next year.

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